Using Crossplane in GitOps: Bootstrap

5 min readOct 20, 2021

In this series of articles, I will share my recent study on using Crossplane in GitOps. I will use Argo CD as the GitOps tool to demonstrate how Crossplane can work with it to provision applications from git to target cluster. Meanwhile, I will also explore some best practices, common considerations, and lessons learned that you might experience as well when use Crossplane in GitOps.

This article particularly focuses on why Crossplane fits into GitOps and how to bootstrap Crossplane using GitOps.

Why Crossplane?

GitOps is essentially a way to host a git repository that contains declarative descriptions of target system as desired state and an automated process, usually driven by a GitOps tool such as Argo CD or Flux CD, to make the target system match the desired state in the repository, so that when you deploy a new application or update an existing one, you just need to update the repository, then the automated process handles everything else.

Crossplane, on the other side, is a Kubernetes add-on that enables you to assemble infrastructure from multiple vendors and applications on top of that to expose them as high level self-service APIs for people to consume.

There are a few reasons that I can see how Crossplane can fit into GitOps realm quit well:

  • Since Crossplane is designed to assemble infrastructure from multiple vendors, it makes it a lot easier to practice GitOps for application deployment across different vendors, typically public cloud vendors such as Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, IBM Cloud, etc. in a consistent manner.
  • With the help of its powerful composition engine, Crossplane allows people to compose different modules from infrastructure, service, to application as needed in a declarative way, where we can check these declarative descriptions into git for GitOps tools to pick up easily.
  • Crossplane allows people to extend its capabilities using Provider that can interact with different backends. There is a large amount of providers available in community and it is still actively evolving. By using variant providers, we can turn many different backends into something that are Kubernetes friendly, so that the desired state can be described using Kubernetes custom resource, then check into git and driven by GitOps tools.

A good example such as Terraform provider allows people to integrate existing Terraform automation assets into Crossplane and modeled as Kubernetes custom resource. See:

Turn everything into Kubernetes API no matter what kind of backend it is so that can be handled consistently using Kubernetes native way. As a result, those Kubernetes native objects are what we store in git which drive the GitOps flow. Using Crossplane opens the door to gitopsifying everything for us!

Bootstrap: Deploy Crossplane

When using Crossplane, usually you will have Crossplane with a set of providers and optionally configuration packages installed on your cluster. Since Crossplane works as a control plane to drive infrastructure and application provisioning and composing, it can be co-located with Argo CD on the same cluster as a GitOps control plane.

Interestingly, if you have already installed Argo CD, you can take Argo CD as a top level “installer” which can help to install everything else including Crossplane itself. The only thing you need to do is to create an Argo Application that points to the helm repository where hosts the Crossplane helm charts. Check below YAML manifest into git, you will see Argo CD drives the Crossplane installation automatically.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: crossplane-system
- kubernetes
kind: Application
name: crossplane-app
namespace: argocd
namespace: crossplane-system
server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
project: default
chart: crossplane
targetRevision: 1.4.1
prune: true
selfHeal: true

For provider installing, it can also be handled as such if the provider has been packaged and published so that it can be described using Crossplane manifest.

Here I’m using capabilities-shim as a demo project to demonstrate the Crossplane use in GitOps. There is a Crossplane configuration package which includes some pre-defined Composition and CompositeResourceDefinition manifests. It also depends on an enhanced version of provider-kubernetes. In order to install both the configuration package and the provider, just need to check a Configuration resource in git as below:

kind: Configuration
name: capabilities-shim
ignoreCrossplaneConstraints: false
packagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
revisionActivationPolicy: Automatic
revisionHistoryLimit: 0
skipDependencyResolution: false

Crossplane will then extract the package, install all resources included, along with the dependent provider all automatically.

Setup ProviderConfig

For most Crossplane providers, you need to setup ProviderConfig before it can connect to the remote backends. In our case, provider-kubernetes needs below ProviderConfig in order to connect to the target cluster to provision the actual applications.

kind: ProviderConfig
name: provider-config-dev
source: Secret
namespace: dev
name: cluster-config
key: kubeconfig

This can also be checked into git. However, there are couple of things need to note.

The above ProviderConfig requires a secret referenced by spec.credentials.secretRef to be created beforehand. The secret includes kubeconfig that maps local or remote clusters for the provider to connect to. This needs to be checked in git too if you want Argo CD to help you create it rather than manually create by yourself.

You should never commit raw secrets in git. Before the secret can be stored in git, it needs to be encrypted at first. This can be done by sealed secrets introduced by the Bitnami Sealed Secrets Controller. I will skip the detailed introduction about sealed secret here but you can google and learn how it works. Again, Sealed Secrets Controller can be installed using Argo CD by checking below Argo Application into git:

kind: Application
name: sealed-secrets-controller
namespace: argocd
namespace: argocd
server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
project: default
targetRevision: 1.16.1
chart: sealed-secrets
values: |-
- "--update-status"
prune: true
selfHeal: true

Then you need to generate a secret including the kubeconfig information for your target cluster, and use the kubeseal command line tool to encrypt it into a sealed secret. For example:

kubectl create secret generic cluster-config --from-literal=kubeconfig="`cat path/to/your/kubeconfig`" --dry-run -o yaml > cluster-config.yamlkubeseal -n dev --controller-namespace argocd < cluster-config.yaml > cluster-config.json

After the encrypted secret is generated, check in git and let Argo CD synchronize it to target cluster.

There are alternative approaches to handle secrets in GitOps, e.g. store secrets in external storage such as HashiCorp Vault, then store the secret key in git. It is not covered in this article.

Now that you have launched the environment with the prerequisites ready including Crossplane, its providers, and all the necessary configuration, you can start to check application manifests in git to trigger the application provisioning driven by GitOps. In next article, I will explore several ways that I experimented when using Crossplane and Argo CD to provision applications.

Originally published at




Life is coding and writing! I am a software engineer who have been in IT field for 10+ years. I would love to write beautiful code and story for people.